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Florentinus of Kempenich (): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Florentinus of Kempenich () 
Hadwich of Kempenich (1135-1162)   Child
Anselm III of Molsberg (1132-)   Partner
Aleidis of Molsberg (-1230)   Child
Eberhard of Arenberg (-1215)   Partner
Henry of Arenberg (1195-1269)   Child
Mechtild of Neuenahr ()   Partner
Gerhard I of Arenberg (1225-1252)  de  Child
Mechtild of Holte-Altena (1225-1288)  de  Partner
Aleidis of Arenberg-Morenhoven (1247-1280)   Child
Widukind III of Wittgenstein (-1307)   Partner
Siegfried III of Wittgenstein (1311-1357)   Child
Margaret of Schoenecken (1312-1355)   Partner
Adelaide of Wittgenstein (1320-1357)   Child
Salentin of Sayn-Homburg-Vallendar (1310-1392)   Partner
Aleidis of Arenberg-Morenhoven (1247-1280)   Child
Jan II of Heusden (1215-1268)  de  Partner
Mechteld of Heusden (1245-1283)  nl  Child
Otto I of Arkel (1254-1283)  nl  Partner
Jan I of Heukelom (1265-1312)  nl  Child
Bertoude of Sterkenborg ()   Partner
Bertha of Heukelom (-1322)   Child
Gijsbrecht of IJsselstein (1260-1342)   Partner