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Bécc mac Flaithgius Ciannachta (770-): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Bécc mac Flaithgius Ciannachta (770-)  ie
Saergus mac Beicce Ciannachta (810-)  ie  Child
Egra Poiprech mac Saergus Ciannachta (850-928)  ie  Child
Magnus mac Egra Ciannachta (890-)  ie  Child
Murchad O'Eagra (930-)  ie  Child
Donald O'Eagra (960-1023)  ie  Child
Murchand O'Eagra (990-)  ie  Child
Taithlech O'Eagra (1020-1090)  ie  Child