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Kaarle Kustaa Mathlin (1816-1850): Descendants View

This view shows the first levels of descendants. To shift focus to another person, select the house in the nodes below.
Kaarle Kustaa Mathlin (1816-1850)  fi
Helena Sophia Loennqvist (1819-)  fi  Partner
Kustaa Alfred Mathlin (1845-1915)  fi  Child
Olga Emily Planting (1850-1900)  fi  Partner
Kaarle Kustaa Mathlin (1869-1930)  fi  Child
Kaisa Kieksi (1884-1938)  fi  Partner
Kaarle John Mathlin (1850-1925)  fi  Child
Anna Lisa Tasala (1847-1920)  fi  Partner